About Me

Hello! I am a Second-year Masters Student in the CSE Department at Michigan State University pursuing my master’s degree under the supervision of Dr. Vishnu Boddeti. I am extremely lucky to have amazing colleagues at Human Analysis Lab. I received my bachelor’s degree from IIT, Guwahati.

My research goal is to improve the capacity of machine learning systems to generalize effectively. This includes working on areas like spurious correlation, algorithmic fairness, adversarial machine learning, and privacy preservation. By solving these problems, I aim to enhance the robustness and reliability of AI systems.

I also care about the impact of ML and have worked on some practical problems such as multi-modal representations and data parallelization.

🧑‍🏫 I teach programming (CSE 232) at Michigan State University.

⛳ I enjoy running on a rare sunny day in East Lansing, MI. On a gloomy day, I sit down with a sip of coffee ☕ and Leetcode.

💼 Open to internship for Summer/Fall 2024. I am also on the job market starting December 2024. Please reach out to me.

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